Saturday, January 23, 2010

Whither thou goest?

Being on the move is a great way to live. (My pronouncement of the day). Walk. Keep walking (or any other form of ambulation). It doesn't matter where, but as long as you are on the run, things don't catch up with you that fast, like age for instance. As far as I know, it is the minute you stand still that stuff like grief, doubt, despair, and a car hits you.

Motion shakes off things that cling and could later get stuck and drown you. Think about it. The stronger your heart beats, lesser chances of the bad cholesterol getting stuck. (I said stronger, not faster. And since I know nothing medical, disregard this analogy). Ok, it's like sex (now that I know). Anyway, being on the move lets the negative things trail behind you like a bride's train. At least it is external. It is when you are stationary that it engulfs you or you trip on it and break your nose at the altar as you say I do. Before that happens, do the Julia Roberts baby run.

Motion is good and I have JC to back me up on this (not that I need his backing for a blog post)... after all the gospels say he walked on water, not stayed put. And the hasty Peter did too. He started to drown only when he stopped and saw the waves and what not. See what I mean?

So, now I have come to peace with my constant need to walk, run, and relocate from apartment to apartment, job to job, place to place and country to country. It is just other people who add prepositions to my ambulatory words. Running (away), walking (out), moving (on), etc., etc., etc. To hell with them.

1 comment:

..N.. said...

Nomads never rest. Though they might physically attempt to, the mind still wanders.