Saturday, January 16, 2010

What I have been learning

I've learnt that 'hi, how are you?' does not require an answer. That the definition of a bore is someone who tells you exactly how they are when asked. Then why ask in the first place I wonder. Frugality is not a strong point out here even in these hard times.

I've learnt that in this part of the world at this time of the year, a shining sun outside my window doesn't equate to wearing just a tee. Brrr.

I've learnt that I'm afraid of the dark.

I've learnt that North doesn't mean the sky and South the sewer. But I still manage to get lost. Oh well...

I've learnt that throwing snowballs at a 2 year old maybe considered abuse, especially if the guardian who wasn't doin a A-rate job at 'guarding' lacks a sense of humor. Thank god for... never mind. Don't blame me. The kid was there. The snow was there.

I've learnt that no matter how you change the variables in a relationship to make it work, there is always going to be collateral damage. Who cares about the dead ones anyway?

I've learnt that once you lose a gift, it doesn't come back to you. You pay a real steep price to get what was once free. Write and it drains your life. Stop writing and you have killed yourself anyway. Oh and by the way, my muse is a guy. And like most men, generally absent. But once in a while he comes along, I give in, and he gloats as I lie wordless.

On an upbeat note, I've learnt that my 30$ radio has a brain. Or rather, it has something that can read my mind. How the hell does it know to play Too Much Love Will Kill You just after that call you made to break someone to break you? (And where were you Brian May / radio when I was falling? You chose to play Alice Cooper then... what a poison...) Point is, the radio has a sadistic sense of humor. You make up your mind to be strong and pretend everything is just the way it's supposed to be, and U2 belts out 'with or without you.... and you give yourself away'.... what else can you do except howl in despair?

Ok, that wasn't so upbeat, but the point is I love my radio, and it loves me right back... now there it goes again... Comfortably Numb. See? Hear? I guess the radio deserves a separate blog post.

Oh, I've learnt that the only choices ever offered in life that is good no matter what you decide on are chocolates.

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