Sunday, January 31, 2010


People make things up. They assume. We assume. Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. Or as someone said 'If you assume anything from what I said, you make an ASS of U and ME both.'

Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics illustrates this: if we see two things next to each other, we draw a connection from one to the other. Our minds construct a sequence, a connection, a relationship. Even if the relationship is obscure, we’ll eventually find it (or make one up). In space, we call this collage. In time, it’s montage. In real life, it's gossip. Some call it conversation, others call it news. Or discussion or moral discourse for the betterment of my child/ the common good etc., if god forbid your parents / professors / idols indulge in this sequencing of events. 

The reason for this sudden rant? I'm just peeved. I assumed someone would show up and they didn't; someone assumed I would have a certain drink and I didn't feel like it; someone else assumed something else just cuz I was sitting alone aaaaaaarghhh. So. 

So I started up my laptop, and typed all this bull just to stop myself from kicking my own butt. Should step out. Should step out. I will write the rest of this post later. 

Not writing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups, but then, who is the father?

*Please allow open comments, why do you want to assume that everyone has a google account?*