Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Moving on slow...

15 pages. Trying to manage flow, content, goal in mind. Not necessarily in that order. Do all words ending with 'ly' just irk me or is it the context?

I don't have a goal.

Just this: Need advisor to sign paper which says 'Graduate'. or maybe just her name. Funny that the paper they sign to allow people like me to graduate happens to be pink. A sign?

Now the word 'From' looks different. It seems like a dress, a clothing material or something a girl would wear. All of which is not nice in my head. I can't start a paragraph with 'From', doesn't seem right. Where is Strunk and White when I need them? Online most probably. but it's not the same. I still prefer the 25 buck red hardbound book.

Is it the lateness of the hour, or that I've been writing since morning  (translated to 9 hours today with 1 hour breaks??). (And this break don't count btw).

Too many things in parantheses. Blog editor gives squiggly and I don't care enough to find out if my spellings are right.

Don't know why I wrote this, except that at this point of inebriation, the word 'from' doesn't seem like a good way to start a sentence.

Proceeding with the paper.

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