Sunday, August 22, 2010

On Breathing...or the lack thereof

Musicians are strange. Not that the rest of the population is any less weird.  But singers / songwriters are strange when it comes to the choice of subject (song) matter. The case in point is their obsession with breathing - the process, the reason for, behind,... I could go on, but so have they.

#1. Breathe - Pink Floyd / Roger Waters
The dailiness and drudgery of it.

#2. Breathe in Breathe out - Matt Kearny
On the process... and as recommended by health practitioners for moving...moving on.

#3. Breathe - Taylor Swift
Oh the difficulty of it without someone... but you have to.

#4. Breathe No More - Evanescence
Someone about to stop..

#5. Keep Breathing - Ingrid Michaelson
Who cares what else is goin' on in the world as long as we keep breathing?

#6. Breathe - Melissa Etheridge
It only hurts when she's breathing apparently. Maybe Etheridge should consider treating her Ovation with a little love. (And I didn't quite get the connection between the song and music video, and I didn't care enough to check).

#7. Breathe (2 AM) - Anna Nalick
There's no rewind button, no taking back a breath that's already breathed. Just breathe.
(Also, why 2AM? The song mentions it just once apart from the title - it's the first word and that's it. Unlike the refrain 'just breeaaaathe'. Maybe another post about singers' obsession with 2 and 3 am in particular. Maybe not.)

And more... I've counted 34 songs about the intricacies of breathing so far. As Jimmy Page put it, the song remains the same.

Guess lung (dys)function fear is to singers as aphasia to writers. Guess I'm having trouble breathing...and writing.

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