Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to shoot somebody who outdrew you

This should be easy. they don't expect it. you're dead, remember?

(so they think. if they even waste a thought on you that is.)

it is easy. just rise from your grave now and then, as often as you please, and BOO. one of the perks of being dead is the possibility of resurrection. (into what reincarnation may not be your choice, though.) also, there's the element of surprise. aah, imagine the look on their faces.

it is easy. preferably use the same knife they used on you. it never loses its edge. only dulls their senses to apathy but what do you care about the effect?

easy peasy. prepare for a zombie fest, but refrain from outright murder of your darlings. after all, you need the perpetual rage to feed your starved soul.

talk about rage and revenge.

why you ask?
when you're shot dead, how can you love anymore? enough reason?
(apologies to Mr Cohen for 'wrongful' use of the phrase).

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