Friday, July 21, 2006

The Funeral Planner

When I'm dead, and assuming I'm not thrown out to the vultures and there'll be someone around to bury me, here's a list of how I'd want it done. [How I love making lists].

1. Red and black balloons. End of the 'service', please release 'em to the skies dear friends, romans, countrymen. (Did I forget to mention I want to be buried under a tree? Any tree that has red flowers, which will drift and rest on my grave every fall.)

2. Ice-cream. Death by Chocolate. Served to all kind enough to attend. (Folks, I'm real grateful, but not all that grateful - sorry, no booze).

3. Music - now this is difficult. Since I can't make up my mind about this, lets just say rock? No, don't throw stones, just play Everything Burns, In the End, Going Under and Coming Back to Life. In that order. Now those are for me. If you folks want something else, bring your own CDs and dance.

4. Now very important: 2 minute eulogies, I rather listen to the songs from down under than well-thought out lies. (Again, I've assumed someone will want to say something, and that someone will attend. With optimism levels as high as this, I'm goin to have a very long life.)

That's that. Finis. Let me get on with life.

1 comment:

Maria said...

I will. And I promise to do everything just the way you want it.

Miss you already,